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Products related to Avanquest-Architect-3D-X9:

  • Avanquest Architect 3D X9 Garden Designer 2017, MacOS
    Avanquest Architect 3D X9 Garden Designer 2017, MacOS

    Avanquest Architect 3D X9 Garden Designer 2017, MacOS Plan and realize your dream! Outdoor area - Garden - Green area - Allotment garden Architect 3D X9 2017 Garden designer is a professional planning tool with which you can give your dream of your own garden a concrete shape on the monitor in just a few steps. No matter whether it is an outdoor area, garden, green area or allotment garden - with this software you can plan your personal garden paradise according to your personal wishes. Thanks to comprehensive functions and intuitive user guidance, you can design your future garden in an uncomplicated and detailed manner with impressive photorealism. Plan your property in detail with the Topography Designer, from the courtyard entrance to the flowerbed and terrace, selecting plants, flowers and any garden objects from the extensive libraries included. No matter whether you are an ambitious garden architect, hobby gardener or landscape gardener - with Architekt 3D X9 2017 Garden Designer you are already a big step closer to your blooming garden dream! Design in 3D - simple and photorealistic Unique NexGenTM technology Import and use personal photos Large garden object and plant libraries Including printed quick start manual What is NEW & BETTER? NEW! 64-bit technology for higher productivity NEW! Latest Mac-oriented user interface with retina compatibility for sharpest images NEW! The user interface can be adapted as required. This applies to windows, controls, preview windows and much more! NEW! Documents are displayed in individual tabs, making it easy to organize and navigate between different documents in a single window (requires Mac OS Sierra). NEW! More than 30 plans in professional quality and NEW! Templates for landscape and terrace NEW! SketchUp Import Compatible with new Sketchup formats and easy editing of size and material within the program NEW! The customizable tool display lets you choose which tools are displayed and how. NEW! Simplified and more efficient drawing methods (shapes) and dimensions as well as automatic snap-in and alignment NEW! Tools: Corner cupboard Column Skylight Wall heating NEW! Possibilities for adapting doors (such as double doors) and fastening NEW! With the plant bar you can quickly inventory and adjust your own plants as required. TOTALLY NEW ! Roofing system : Roofing system with automatically created gable roofs, covered gaps and improved cutting of the roof panelling in favour of precisely created roofs. IMPROVED ! 2D drawing engine: The revised 2D drawing engine makes drawing and editing even easier and more efficient 2D drawing engine: The revised 2D drawing engine makes drawing and editing even easier and more efficient NEW! Content library management: faster search, navigation and display NEW! New content: more than 700 3D objects more than 1800 materials 1200 Coatings 45 new sample plans Templates for terraces and rooms IMPROVED ! 2D symbols for furniture and 3D components as well as customizable plant symbols to create plants in the right size Help at all times! Revised and updated user manual! Functions 1. architecture Display and edit project in 3D Ecological construction thanks to tips and tricks Cost calculator - generate cost overview 2. property planning Property planner Topography Designer Use of scanned plans Foundation Assistant Sun position module Terrace designer Solar systems 3D library Extended symbol library Line planning: electricity, gas and water 3. property design Outdoor seating and terrace planning Plant editor and fence designer Garden object and plant libraries Extended plant library 4th view 2D and 3D project view Tour animator Free camera movements View editor for blueprints photo view 6. more functions Now with Swimming Pool Designer Individual colour scheme for different plan areas such as floors, ceilings, roofs etc. Ready-made conceptions of various rooms, garages and terraces (drag & drop) Optimized 3D rendering engine for even faster and more powerful preview Improved and more accurate positioning of objects Improved and even more clearly arranged user interface System requirements Operating system Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Mac OS 10.11 El Capitan, Mac OS 10.12 Sierra, Mac OS 10.13 High Sierra 1 Ghz Intel® Pentium® processor or equivalent 512 MB RAM Working memory PCI or AGP 3D graphics card (min. 512 MB RAM) 4.5 GB hard disk space DVD-ROM drive

    Price: 14.25 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Express
    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Express

    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Express Design, equip and decorate your dream home with ease View and tour your future home in 3D Enjoy exceptional rendering thanks to the new-generation 3D engine Watch the tutorial video and get access to great advice NEW! Customizable Draw Styles Become the Architect of your dream house Architect 3D is a Home Design application that allows you to design, equip and decorate your home and garden in 3D. Design your creative project step by step and room by room, from the basement to the loft space. Draw up plans of your house, equip your interior and exterior areas and add your own personal touch to your living space. A virtual tour and extremely realistic 3D rendering allow you to review the results. Architect 3D 20 Express brings you all the professional tools you need to design your home and garden. Functionalities CREATE YOUR ENTIRE NEW HOUSE IN 3D Up to 4 floors available DESIGN YOUR GARDEN Imagine your garden plans and the topography of your land. Customize your decks and patio as it suits. DISPLAY YOUR PROJECT WITH RENDERINGS 3D view, topography, raw structure, technical plans of the house DRAG&DROP OBJECTS DIRECTLY INTO 3D VIEW Add furniture to your rooms thanks to a 2,000-objects library and view them instantly in 3D Design & Create Easy access to project setup, recent projects, sample plans and training materials Create your house in 3D, from the basement to the loft space: kitchen, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. Furnish your rooms using a 3D furniture library containing more than 2000 objects Design your garden and the topography of your land Tour & view View the bare bones structure and technical plans of the house: framing, beams, plumbing, heating, ventilation and electricity Walk through each room of your new home Generate plans to create a 3D paper model See your project simultaneously on 2D and 3D views Management & Advice Tutorial video and advice to help you create your project Pre-drawn plans Product Highlights A COMPLETE TOOL Design you entire house and landscape including rooms, foundations, furniture, openings plumbing, electricity.... UNIVERSAL Architect 3D is compatible with the most popular 3D formats including .DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, 3DS... TOOL TIPS AND HELP You’ll find tutorial videos to help you step by step, ready-to-use sample plans and much more! HIGHTLY FURNISHED OBJECTS LIBRARY : Materials, plants, 3D objects, all you need to design your house New in version 20 Versions comparison Tools and Features Express Silver Gold Platinum £119.99 Ultimate £159.99 Ultimate Plus £259.99 Home Design Material Editor Window Shutters Double doors & Mounting Options 3D Cutaway Tools - - Advanced Quickstart Editing Advanced Floor Management 1-Click Custom Room Additions Foundation Planner HVAC Planner Video Tutorials Instant 3D Views Automatic Roof with gables Floor Plan Trace Aerial Room View (3D) Metric and Imperial Measurements Create Additional Floors 4 floors 4 floors 6 floors 12 floors 20 floors 20 floors Estimator with Room Estimating - Interior Design Over 4670+ 3D Furnishings Included Over 7640+ Materials Column Designer Framing 3D Custom Workshop - PhotoView - Accessories / Window Treatments - - Decorator Palette - - Window Designer - - - Door Designer - - - Trim Designer - - - Ceiling Designer - - - Mantel Designer - - - Fireplace Wizard - - - Security System Tools - - - Home Theater - - - - Home Automation Tools - - - - Landscape Design 2D Plant Symbols Customisable Plant Sizing Topography & Deck Layout Tools IntelliDeck Tools - - Custom Edging and Bed Borders - - Outdoor Kitchen Custom Cabinets - - Fence Designer - - Global Sun Positioning - - Site Planner (Property Line Coordinates) - - - Pool Designer - - - Extra Features Sketch Up 3D Import Library Navigation and Preview Control Interface Color Customization Download Packs for 3D Objects, textures and more Point Selection Highlight Guides Drag and Drop into 3D Multiple Monitor Support Electrical Switch Style Library HVAC Register Style Library Realmodel Elevation Editor - - PhotoView Editor - - - Animation - - - Symbol Editor - - - Section Detailer - - - Reflections - - - Professional Add-on Convert 2D object in 3D and edit them - - - - Import of .DXF, .DWG, Sketch Up, 3DS - - - - LightworksTM Photorealistic Rendering - - - - - System Requir...

    Price: 14.28 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Avanquest Architect 3D Interior Decoration 20
    Avanquest Architect 3D Interior Decoration 20

    Architecte 3D Déco Intérieure 20 Visualisez et planifiez vos projets de conception et de décoration d’intérieur ! Réorganisez votre espace intérieur par de simples glisser-déposer et visualisez le résultat en 3D. Décorez vos pièces à l’aide d’outils simples et performants et testez en quelques clics différents matériaux, couleurs,... Meublez votre espace intérieur à l’aide de la bibliothèque d’objets 3D. Donnez vie en 3D à vos projets d’aménagement et de décoration d’intérieur : cuisine, salle de bains, pièce à vivre... NOUVEAU ! Rendu haute-qualité de vos plans 2D Description Architecte 3D Déco Intérieure 20 Mac est l'outil parfait pour visualiser et planifier vos projets de conception et de décoration d’intérieur. Agencez votre chambre ou votre appartement, essayez différentes dispositions de meubles et différents jeux de couleurs, ou planifiez la rénovation complète de votre cuisine ou de votre salle de bains. Utilisez l’assistant QuickStart pour définir par simple glisser-déposer l’agencement de vos pièces. Décorez et personnalisez votre intérieur en choisissant parmi des milliers d’éléments à glisser-déposer : meubles, revêtements de sols et muraux, matériaux de plans de travail, moquettes, bordures et bien plus encore. Fonctionnalités CRÉEZ ENTIÈREMENT VOTRE NOUVELLE MAISON EN 3D Jusqu'à 4 étages disponibles GLISSEZ-DÉPOSEZ DIRECTEMENT LES OBJETS DANS LA VUE 3D : Meublez les pièces via une bibliothèque de milliers d'objets 3D et visualisez-les immédiatement dans la vue 3D. Une vaste gamme de matériaux de construction et de décoration est à votre disposition. Faux-finis, peintures intérieures et extérieures, planchers, surfaces pleines, volets, pierres et bien plus encore ! Essayez divers matériaux. Ajoutez des détails à votre conception grâce aux milliers de pièces et accessoires disponibles, ou glissez-déposez un ensemble de meubles en un seul clic. Essayez différentes idées de décoration grâce aux palettes de décoration. Créez différentes combinaisons de couleurs/matériaux, puis passez de l’une à l’autre pour voir celle qui vous plaît le plus. L’outil Precision Lighting PlannerTM vous offre un contrôle total sur la lumière ambiante, les ombres et la diffusion de lumière. L’assistant éclairage et l’outil de positionnement du soleil vous aident à planifier la quantité de lumière souhaitée et à déterminer où la placer. Organisez votre dessin grâce aux plans d’électricité, des étages et de la plomberie. L’Estimateur de coût vous aidera à assurer le suivi de votre projet et fournira des barèmes pour les portes, les fenêtres et bien plus encore. Construisez écolo ! Cliquez sur l’icône Éco-construction et votre conception devient plus verte ! Nous mettons en surbrillance les zones où vous pouvez utiliser des matériaux et objets respectueux de l’environnement, comme des plans de travail en verre recyclé, des revêtements de sol en bambou et bien plus encore ! Des astuces écologiques intégrées et spécifiques à votre conception vous aident à construire vert, pour réaliser des économies d’énergie et d’argent. Utilisez nos didacticiels pour une prise en main rapide ! Le Pôle d’aide et de formation vous guide au fil de votre projet et vous donne des conseils pratiques pour le réaliser. Votre projet pièce par pièce Cuisine : mettez votre cuisine au goût du jour avec de nouveaux placards, placez un îlot pour cuisiner ou pour les repas, mettez du carrelage ou du parquet au sol, changez les styles de fenêtres et de portes, et appliquez un faux-fini au mur. Salle de bains : essayez différentes couleurs de mobilier, ajoutez une nouvelle baignoire ou douche personnalisée, visualisez l’effet d’un comptoir en granit sur votre meuble de toilette, comparez les couleurs de peinture et les motifs de papier peint, ou changez l’éclairage. Bureau : ajoutez des placards et des bibliothèques, changez les couleurs pour une ambiance plus feutrée, choisissez parmi des centaines de meubles et équipements de bureau dans la bibliothèque. Pièces à vivre : essayez différentes dispositions, éclairages et combinaisons de couleurs et de matériaux. Salle de cinéma : créez une salle de cinéma qui invite à la détente, ou un véritable cinéma à domicile. Placez les sièges et le matériel de projection. Placez des rideaux devant l’écran, et une machine à popcorn pour une authentique séance de cinéma. Garage : planifiez la rénovation de votre garage ! Ajoutez un revêtement de sol personnalisé, créez des rangements avec les étagères à glisser-déposer, ajoutez un atelier ou transformez votre garage en pièce à vivre. Cave : créez un espace de loisirs, placez un green de golf d’intérieur, ajoutez un espace bureau avec la bibliothèque de l’éditeur de mobilier 3D ou essayez différents agencements pour votre nouvel espace à vivre. Configuration Version 20 Taille 1.19 Go OS Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks, Mac OS X 10....

    Price: 14.28 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Silver Windows
    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Silver Windows

    Architect 3D 20 Silver For house, outdoor area, garden, green area, allotment garden Design in 3D - simple and photorealistic Including quick start guide Architect 3D is compatible with most popular 3D formats like DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, .3DS ... NEW! 2D Engine - High performance and high quality calculation of 2D geometry and text No matter whether new building, conversion, renovation or interior design - Architect 3D 20 is a professional planning tool with which you can easily plan, design and present your new home in detail. Thanks to numerous PowerTools and the powerful NexGen engine , this software allows you to create your own dream house in 3D in no time at all - from the foundations to the roof covering ! Really everything, from doors and windows to sanitary and electrical installations and kitchen cupboards, the shape of the profile strips for floors or ceilings can be individually adapted. Create your own furnishings as three-dimensional objects or import them from photographs. Use this extensive program and plan your garden, your terrace or the entrance to your property. In combination with the topography designer and the possibility to insert photographed plants, you can design the exterior of your property in detail yourself. You can view the plans you have made in 3D view at any time with a click. Take advantage of Realmodell, which allows you to print out your construction plans for true-to-scale models. With the integrated calculator you always have the costs for your demanding planning under control. Let your creativity run wild and design your home according to your personal wishes. Functions CREATE THE WHOLE HOUSE IN 3D Up to 4 floors high DESIGN YOUR GARDEN Draw up garden plans according to the Topography of your property. Design and veranda according to your own wishes. LET THEM CALCULATE DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE PROJECT Topography, aerial photo, 3D section, 3D view, Rough structure or technical plans of the house. PLACE OBJECTS VIA DRAG & DROP DIRECTLY IN THE 3D VIEW Add furniture to your rooms, select from 2,000 objects in the library and show the result directly in 3D. Highlights A COMPREHENSIVE TOOL Design the entire house with garden including foundations, rooms, wall openings, furniture, plumbing, electrical components and more. UNIVERSAL Architect 3D is compatible with most popular 3D formats like DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, .3DS ... TIPS AND HELP Tutorial videos provide step-by-step support, sample plans facilitate the design and the cost calculator helps with financial planning. You can access further help at any time. EDITOR With Architekt 3D you can customize 3D objects such as doors, windows and fireplaces. Use the 3D user workshop for this purpose. Compare all versions Silver Gold Platinum Pro- Platinum Help, training and various tools Tutorials and tips and tricks Online Training Center and ToolTip pop-up window Color customization of the user interface SchnellstartTM Wizard: Add rooms using drag and drop Support for multiple screens Directly usable example plans home design Material Editor Foundation planner User defined room extension with 1 click Partition walls and openings: Walls, ceilings, doors, windows, cut-outs, mezzanines, stairs, cupboards, glass roofs Foundation planner - Elektor planner - Climate planner Tools for automatic and custom roofs - Automatic gable tool - Dormer tool Framework Metric and imperial units of measurement Template image for floor plan Calculator with room cost calculation Curved walls - Extended floor management 4 6 12 20 2D symbol library for designs - Window Designer - Door Designer - - Ceiling Designer - - Symbol Editor - - Interior Design More than 4670 3D furnishings More than 7640 materials Drag and drop in 3D Wall profile strips Column tool Editing and adaptation of library objects PhotoView 3D user workshop Accessories/window design - Quick palette for applying a scheme with 1 click - Decorator Pallet - Fireplace assistant - Fireplace Designer - - Moulding Designer - - Tools for security system - - PhotoView Editor - - Tools for intelligent home control - - - Home Cinema - - - Landscape Design Topography Tools Terrace Layout Tools More than 4000 plants Outdoor decoration (furniture, objects) - IntelliDeck Tools - Garden kitchen and custom cabinets - Fence Designer - Landscape and terrace groups - Pool designer - - Location planner (coordinates of the property boundary) - - Display and 3D calculation Direct 3D views Split 2D and 3D views on separate screens Import of backgrounds real model 3D cut-out tool - 3D quick view calculation and wireframe - Altitude Editor - Cutout display - Room view from the air (3D) - Save 3D views for quick access - Global solar position - 3D Effects - - Create and save virtual tours - - Interoperability Import SketchUp models Import .3ds files (3ds Max) Export as image file Export as .DXF/.DWG file Export as .VRML (3D) file Import DXF/DWG files (floor plans only) System requirements Version 20 Operating ...

    Price: 28.56 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • What is the Taranis X9 Lite Gimbal?

    The Taranis X9 Lite Gimbal is a replacement or upgrade gimbal for the Taranis X9 Lite radio transmitter. It allows for smoother and more precise control of the sticks, which is especially useful for drone pilots and RC enthusiasts. The gimbal is easy to install and can improve the overall performance and user experience of the radio transmitter.

  • What professions are there: architect or interior architect?

    Both architects and interior architects are professionals who work in the field of design and construction. Architects are responsible for designing and overseeing the construction of buildings, while interior architects focus on designing the interior spaces of buildings. Both professions require a strong understanding of design principles, building codes, and construction techniques. Architects typically work on a larger scale, while interior architects focus on the details of interior spaces.

  • What is the replacement battery for the Cubot X9?

    The replacement battery for the Cubot X9 is a 2200mAh lithium-ion battery. It is specifically designed to fit the Cubot X9 model and provide the same level of performance and reliability as the original battery. When purchasing a replacement battery for the Cubot X9, it is important to ensure that it is compatible with the device to avoid any issues with fit or performance.

  • Do you have experience with the Atomic Redster X9?

    As an AI, I do not have personal experiences. However, I can provide information on the Atomic Redster X9 based on available data. The Atomic Redster X9 is a high-performance ski designed for advanced skiers who enjoy carving on groomed slopes. It is known for its precision, stability, and responsiveness, making it a popular choice for those looking to push their limits on the slopes. If you are considering trying out the Atomic Redster X9, it is recommended to demo the skis to see how they perform and if they suit your skiing style.

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  • Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Platinum Windows
    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Platinum Windows

    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Platinum For house, outdoor area, garden, green area, allotment garden Design in 3D - simple and photorealistic Including quick start guide Large library with furnishings Additional object library for sound system, home cinema and building control NEW! 2D Engine - High performance and high quality calculation of 2D geometry and text No matter whether you are building a new home, converting, renovating or furnishing - Architect 3D 20 is a professional planning tool with which you can easily plan, design and present your new home in detail. Thanks to numerous PowerTools and the powerful NexGen engine , this software allows you to create your own dream house in 3D in no time at all - from the foundations to the roof covering ! Really everything, from doors and windows to sanitary and electrical installations and kitchen cupboards, the shape of the profile strips for floors or ceilings can be individually adapted. Create your own furnishings as three-dimensional objects or import them from photographs. Use this extensive program and plan your garden, your terrace or the entrance to your property. In combination with the topography designer and the possibility to insert photographed plants, you can design the exterior of your property in detail yourself. You can view the plans you have made in 3D view at any time with a click. Take advantage of Realmodell, which allows you to print out your construction plans for true-to-scale models. With the integrated calculator you always have the costs for your demanding planning under control. Let your creativity run wild and design your home according to your personal wishes. Functions CREATE THE WHOLE HOUSE IN 3D Up to 12 floors high DESIGN YOUR GARDEN Draw up garden plans according to the Topography of your property. Design Swimming pool and veranda after own wishes. LET THEM CALCULATE DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE PROJECT Topography, aerial photo, 3D section, 3D view, Rough structure or technical plans of the house. PLACE OBJECTS VIA DRAG & DROP DIRECTLY IN THE 3D VIEW Add furniture to your rooms, select from 4,000 objects in the library and show the result directly in 3D. Highlights A COMPREHENSIVE TOOL Design the entire house with garden including foundations, rooms, wall openings, furniture, plumbing, electrical components and more. UNIVERSAL Architect 3D is compatible with most popular 3D formats like DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, .3DS ... TIPS AND HELP Tutorial videos provide step-by-step support, sample plans facilitate the design and the cost calculator helps with financial planning. You can access further help at any time. EDITOR With Architekt 3D you can customize 3D objects such as doors, windows, fireplaces or swimming pools. Use the 3D user workshop for this purpose. Compare all versions Platinum Pro- Platinum Help, training and various tools Tutorials and tips and tricks Online Training Center and ToolTip pop-up window Color customization of the user interface SchnellstartTM Wizard: Add rooms using drag and drop Support for multiple screens Directly usable example plans home design Material Editor Foundation planner User defined room extension with 1 click Partition walls and openings: Walls, ceilings, doors, windows, cut-outs, mezzanines, stairs, cupboards, glass roofs Foundation planner - Elektor planner - Climate planner Tools for automatic and custom roofs - Automatic gable tool - Dormer tool Framework Metric and imperial units of measurement Template image for floor plan Calculator with room cost calculation Curved walls Extended floor management 12 20 2D symbol library for designs Window Designer - Door Designer Ceiling Designer Symbol Editor Interior Design More than 4670 3D furnishings More than 7640 materials Drag and drop in 3D Wall profile strips Column tool Editing and adaptation of library objects PhotoView 3D user workshop Accessories/window design Quick palette for applying a scheme with 1 click Decorator Pallet Fireplace assistant - Fireplace Designer Moulding Designer Tools for security system PhotoView Editor Tools for intelligent home control - Home Cinema - Landscape Design Topography Tools Terrace Layout Tools More than 4000 plants Outdoor decoration (furniture, objects) IntelliDeck Tools Garden kitchen and custom cabinets Fence Designer Landscape and terrace groups Pool designer Location planner (coordinates of the property boundary) Display and 3D calculation Direct 3D views Split 2D and 3D views on separate screens Import of backgrounds real model 3D cut-out tool 3D quick view calculation and wireframe Altitude Editor Cutout display Room view from the air (3D) Save 3D views for quick access Global solar position 3D Effects Create and save virtual tours Interoperability Import SketchUp models Import .3ds files (3ds Max) Export as image file Export as .DXF/.DWG file Export as .VRML (3D) file Import DXF/DWG files (floor plans only) System requirements Version 20 Operating system Windows 7, Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 8...

    Price: 85.71 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Gold Windows
    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Gold Windows

    Architect 3D 20 Gold For house, outdoor area, garden, green area, allotment garden Design in 3D - simple and photorealistic Including quick start guide Large library with furnishings Architect 3D is compatible with most popular 3D formats like DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, .3DS ... NEW! 2D Engine - High performance and high quality calculation of 2D geometry and text Description No matter whether you are building a new home, rebuilding, renovating or furnishing - Architect 3D 20 is a professional planning tool with which you can easily plan, design and present your new home in detail. Thanks to numerous PowerTools and the powerful NexGen engine , this software allows you to create your own dream house in 3D in no time at all - from the foundations to the roof covering ! Really everything, from doors and windows to sanitary and electrical installations and kitchen cupboards, the shape of the profile strips for floors or ceilings can be individually adapted. Create your own furnishings as three-dimensional objects or import them from photographs. Use this extensive program and plan your garden, your terrace or the entrance to your property. In combination with the topography designer and the possibility to insert photographed plants, you can design the exterior of your property in detail yourself. You can view the plans you have made in 3D view at any time with a click. Take advantage of Realmodell, which allows you to print out your construction plans for true-to-scale models. With the integrated calculator you always have the costs for your demanding planning under control. Let your creativity run wild and design your home according to your personal wishes. Functions CREATE THE WHOLE HOUSE IN 3D Up to 6 floors high DESIGN YOUR GARDEN Draw up garden plans according to the Topography of your property. Design and veranda according to your own wishes. LET THEM CALCULATE DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE PROJECT Topography, aerial photo, 3D section, 3D view, Rough structure or technical plans of the house. PLACE OBJECTS VIA DRAG & DROP DIRECTLY IN THE 3D VIEW Add furniture to your rooms, select from 4,000 objects in the library and show the result directly in 3D. Highlights A COMPREHENSIVE TOOL Design the entire house with garden including foundations, rooms, wall openings, furniture, plumbing, electrical components and more. UNIVERSAL Architect 3D is compatible with most popular 3D formats like DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, .3DS ... TIPS AND HELP Tutorial videos provide step-by-step support, sample plans facilitate the design and the cost calculator helps with financial planning. You can access further help at any time. EDITOR With Architekt 3D you can customize 3D objects such as doors, windows and fireplaces. Use the 3D user workshop for this purpose. Compare all versions Gold Platinum Pro- Platinum Help, training and various tools Tutorials and tips and tricks Online Training Center and ToolTip pop-up window Color customization of the user interface SchnellstartTM Wizard: Add rooms using drag and drop Support for multiple screens Directly usable example plans home design Material Editor Foundation planner User defined room extension with 1 click Partition walls and openings: Walls, ceilings, doors, windows, cut-outs, mezzanines, stairs, cupboards, glass roofs Foundation planner - Elektor planner - Climate planner Tools for automatic and custom roofs - Automatic gable tool - Dormer tool Framework Metric and imperial units of measurement Template image for floor plan Calculator with room cost calculation Curved walls Extended floor management 6 12 20 2D symbol library for designs Window Designer - Door Designer - Ceiling Designer - Symbol Editor - Interior Design More than 4670 3D furnishings More than 7640 materials Drag and drop in 3D Wall profile strips Column tool Editing and adaptation of library objects PhotoView 3D user workshop Accessories/window design Quick palette for applying a scheme with 1 click Decorator Pallet Fireplace assistant - Fireplace Designer - Moulding Designer - Tools for security system - PhotoView Editor - Tools for intelligent home control - - Home Cinema - - Landscape Design Topography Tools Terrace Layout Tools More than 4000 plants Outdoor decoration (furniture, objects) IntelliDeck Tools Garden kitchen and custom cabinets Fence Designer Landscape and terrace groups Pool designer - Location planner (coordinates of the property boundary) - Display and 3D calculation Direct 3D views Split 2D and 3D views on separate screens Import of backgrounds real model 3D cut-out tool 3D quick view calculation and wireframe Altitude Editor Cutout display Room view from the air (3D) Save 3D views for quick access Global solar position 3D Effects - Create and save virtual tours - Interoperability Import SketchUp models Import .3ds files (3ds Max) Export as image file Export as .DXF/.DWG file Export as .VRML (3D) file Import DXF/DWG files (floor plans only) System requirements Version 20 Operating system Windows 7, ...

    Price: 57.14 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Pro Platinum Windows
    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Pro Platinum Windows

    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Pro Platinum For outdoor use, garden, green area, allotment garden Design in 3D - simple and photorealistic Large library with furnishings Including quick start guide 3D CAD modeling tool "3D Custom Workshop Additional object library for sound system, home cinema and building control NEW! 2D Engine - High performance and high quality calculation of 2D geometry and text No matter whether you are planning a new building, conversion, renovation or interior design - Architect 3D is a professional planning tool with which you can easily plan, design and present your new home in detail . Thanks to numerous PowerTools and the powerful NexGen engine , this software allows you to create your own dream house in 3D in no time at all - from the foundations to the roof covering ! Really everything, from doors and windows to sanitary and electrical installations and kitchen cupboards, the shape of the profile strips for floors or ceilings can be individually adapted. Create your own furnishings as three-dimensional objects or import them from photographs. Use this extensive program and plan your garden, your terrace or the entrance to your property. In combination with the topography designer and the possibility to insert photographed plants, you can design the exterior of your property in detail yourself. You can view the plans you have made in 3D view at any time with a click. Take advantage of Realmodell, which allows you to print out your construction plans for true-to-scale models. With the integrated calculator you always have the costs for your demanding planning under control. Let your creativity run wild and design your home according to your personal wishes. Visualize your dream house in only 30 minutes! Functions CREATE THE WHOLE HOUSE IN 3D Up to 20 floors high DESIGN YOUR GARDEN Draw up garden plans according to the Topography of your property. Design Swimming pool and veranda after own wishes. LET THEM CALCULATE DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE PROJECT Topography, aerial photo, 3D section, 3D view, Rough structure or technical plans of the house. PLACE OBJECTS VIA DRAG & DROP DIRECTLY IN THE 3D VIEW Add furniture to your rooms, select from 4,000 objects in the library and show the result directly in 3D. ONLY IN THE PRO-PLATINUM PLUS VERSION : 3D CAD modeling tool "3D Custom Workshop": Creation of individual 3D objects (furniture, windows, doors etc.) Additional object library for sound system, home cinema and building control ( heating, lighting, air conditioning etc.) Highlights A COMPREHENSIVE TOOL Design the entire house with garden including foundations, rooms, wall openings, furniture, plumbing, electrical components and more. UNIVERSAL Architect 3D is compatible with most popular 3D formats like DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, .3DS ... TIPS AND HELP Tutorial videos provide step-by-step support, sample plans facilitate the design and the cost calculator helps with financial planning. You can access further help at any time. EDITOR With Architekt 3D you can customize 3D objects such as doors, windows, fireplaces or swimming pools. Use the 3D user workshop for this purpose. System requirements Version 20 Operating system Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 1 GHz PentiumTM processor or equivalent 512 MB RAM Working memory 5.5 GB free hard disk space 3D graphics card (1024*768 min 32-bit) DVD-ROM drive

    Price: 121.42 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Pro Platinum Plus Windows
    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Pro Platinum Plus Windows

    Avanquest Architect 3D 20 Pro Platinum Plus For outdoor use, garden, green area, allotment garden Design in 3D - simple and photorealistic Large library with furnishings Including quick start guide 3D CAD modeling tool "3D Custom Workshop BONUS! 3D view LightWorks: high quality photorealistic view No matter whether you are planning a new building, conversion, renovation or interior design - Architect 3D is a professional planning tool with which you can easily plan, design and present your new home in detail . Thanks to numerous PowerTools and the powerful NexGen engine , this software allows you to create your own dream house in 3D in no time at all - from the foundations to the roof covering ! Really everything, from doors and windows to sanitary and electrical installations and kitchen cupboards, the shape of the profile strips for floors or ceilings can be individually adapted. Create your own furnishings as three-dimensional objects or import them from photographs. Use this extensive program and plan your garden, your terrace or the entrance to your property. In combination with the topography designer and the possibility to insert photographed plants, you can design the exterior of your property in detail yourself. You can view the plans you have made in 3D view at any time with a click. Take advantage of Realmodell, which allows you to print out your construction plans for true-to-scale models. With the integrated calculator you always have the costs for your demanding planning under control. Let your creativity run wild and design your home according to your personal wishes. Visualize your dream house in only 30 minutes! Functions CREATE THE WHOLE HOUSE IN 3D Up to 20 floors high DESIGN YOUR GARDEN Draw up garden plans according to the Topography of your property. Design Swimming pool and veranda after own wishes. LET THEM CALCULATE DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE PROJECT Topography, aerial photo, 3D section, 3D view, Rough structure or technical plans of the house. PLACE OBJECTS VIA DRAG & DROP DIRECTLY IN THE 3D VIEW Add furniture to your rooms, select from 4,000 objects in the library and show the result directly in 3D. ONLY IN THE PRO-PLATINUM PLUS VERSION : 3D CAD modeling tool "3D Custom Workshop": Creation of individual 3D objects (furniture, windows, doors etc.) 3D view LightWorks: high quality photorealistic view Additional object library for sound system, home cinema and building control ( heating, lighting, air conditioning etc.) Highlights A COMPREHENSIVE TOOL Design the entire house with garden including foundations, rooms, wall openings, furniture, plumbing, electrical components and more. UNIVERSAL Architect 3D is compatible with most popular 3D formats like DXF, .DWG, Sketchup, .3DS ... TIPS AND HELP Tutorial videos provide step-by-step support, sample plans facilitate the design and the cost calculator helps with financial planning. You can access further help at any time. EDITOR With Architekt 3D you can customize 3D objects such as doors, windows, fireplaces or swimming pools. Use the 3D user workshop for this purpose. System requirements Version 20 Operating system Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 1 GHz PentiumTM processor or equivalent 512 MB RAM Working memory 5.5 GB free hard disk space 3D graphics card (1024*768 min 32-bit) DVD-ROM drive

    Price: 178.56 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • 'Bundeswehr or architect?'

    Choosing between a career in the Bundeswehr or as an architect ultimately depends on your interests, skills, and career goals. If you are passionate about serving your country, working in a structured environment, and being part of a team, the Bundeswehr may be a good fit for you. On the other hand, if you have a creative mind, enjoy designing and building structures, and have a keen eye for detail, a career as an architect could be more fulfilling. Consider your strengths, interests, and long-term aspirations to make the best decision for your future.

  • Which architect is this?

    This is Frank Lloyd Wright, an American architect known for his organic architecture style and iconic buildings such as Fallingwater and the Guggenheim Museum. Wright's designs often incorporated natural elements and sought to harmonize with the surrounding environment. He is considered one of the greatest architects of the 20th century and has had a lasting impact on the field of architecture.

  • What are the valve settings for the Piaggio X9 with 125cc?

    The valve settings for the Piaggio X9 with a 125cc engine are typically set at 0.10mm for both the intake and exhaust valves. It is important to follow the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines when adjusting the valve settings to ensure optimal performance and engine longevity. Regular maintenance and checking of the valve settings are recommended to keep the engine running smoothly.

  • What does an architect earn?

    The salary of an architect can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, and the size of the firm they work for. On average, architects in the United States earn around $80,000 to $100,000 per year. However, experienced architects or those working in larger cities may earn significantly more. Additionally, architects who have their own successful firms can earn even higher salaries.

* All prices are inclusive of VAT and, if applicable, plus shipping costs. The offer information is based on the details provided by the respective shop and is updated through automated processes. Real-time updates do not occur, so deviations can occur in individual cases.